Why does your organization need it

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Why does your organization need it

Post by visafib902 »

An seo friendly theme is developed to limit access requests to css and javascript files as much as possible ; at the same time it has a clean and easy to read code structure . Only the necessary features are present to ensure lightness and loading speed . Install a caching plugin among the few truly useful plugins caching plugins have a notable impact on the performance of wordpress sites. There are many free or paid and they usually include other features such as minification of css and javascript files . Some of these plugins are set up in a few clicks while others require more attention.

However this is something that needs to be tested because it can have unwanted effects on the layout of your site. Usually with a few tricks you can find the correct configuration and the page loading speed improves Mobile App Development Service significantly Manage categories and tags correctly wordpress has many features that are perfect for those who want to maintain a blog or a news section on their site. The important thing is to understand what the correct way to organize the contents is the categories represent the macro topics of the blog.


Accordingly there should be a limited number of entries perhaps four to six. An item should not belong to more than two categories; it certainly shouldn't be uncategorized and in most cases is assigned to a single topic. Tags allow you to link articles with a common denominator. They are not necessary attributes many items do not need them. Even in this case you don't have to exaggerate two or three tags are more than enough to characterize an article. Warning do not create the same names for categories and tags . Otherwise you may generate duplicate content and titles these first four tips will help you take care of the technical seo of your.
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